The thymus is an endocrine organ. A unified, physiological concept of humor
al regulation of the immune response emerged in the last three decades. The
thymus is the primary major site of production of immunocompetent T-lympho
cytes from their haematopoietic stem cells. The thymus provides a superior
humoral microenvironment for the development of immunocompetent T-lymphocyt
es. Although yolk sac derived pre-T stem cells enter the thymus using a hom
ing receptor, the immigration process requires also secretion of a peptide,
called thymotaxin by the cells of the reticulo-epithelial (RE) network. Th
is complex process requires direct cell to cell, receptor based interaction
s, as well as in situ paracrine information via the numerous cytokines and
thymic hormones produced by the RE cells of thymic microenvironment. Thymic
hormones induce in situ T-lymphocyte marker differentiation, expression an
d functions. These polypeptide hormones have also been shown by means of im
munocytochemistry to localise in the RE cells of the thymic cellular microe
nvironment. Based on the complexity of the intrathymic maturation sequence
of T-lymphocytes and the increasing numbers of T-lymphocyte subpopulations
that are being identified, it would be surprising if a single thymic humora
l factor could control all of the molecular steps and cell populations invo
lved. Rather, it would appear that the control of intrathymic T-lymphocyte
maturation and functional maturation involves a complex number of thymic-sp
ecific factors and other molecules that rigidly control the intermediary st
eps in the differentiation process. Thymosin fraction 5 (TF5) and its compo
nent polypeptides influence a variety of lymphocyte properties including cy
clic nucleotide levels, migration inhibitory factor production, T-dependent
antibody production and expression of certain surface maturation/different
iation markers. Recently, thymic hormones, mostly thymosins have been emplo
yed not only in neoplasms' early detection but also in clinical trials to s
trengthen the effects of immunomodulators in immunodeficiencies, autoimmune
diseases and neoplastic malignancies. Combined chemoimmunotherapeutical an
tineoplastic treatment seems to be useful. Generally, haematopoietic toxici
ty of every chemotherapeutical clinical trial can be reduced significantly
by the immunotherapy, compared to 50% in patients treated with chemotherapy