Plant breeding relies on genetic variability generated by meiotic recombina
tion. Control of recombination frequencies is not yet possible, but would s
ignificantly extend the options for plant-breeding strategies. A prerequisi
te would be variability of recombination frequencies. In this study, 15 tra
nsgenic kanamycin (K-R) and hygromycin (H-R) resistance gene insertions map
ping to the five Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes were used as genetic mark
ers. Recombination frequencies were determined from the frequencies of resi
stance phenotypes within populations segregating for linked K-R and H-R mar
kers. Recombination frequencies of marker pairs were compared among these f
our ecotypes, among F(1)s in both reciprocal forms derived from these ecoty
pes, and between F(1)s and their parent lines. On average, the recombinatio
n frequencies in F-1 crosses were substantially higher (up to 2-fold) than
in the homozygous parental ecotypes. A strong negative correlation between
genetic similarities of ecotypes and recombination frequencies was detected
for two adjacent marker pairs located on the long arm of chromosome 3, but
not for marker pairs in other genomic regions. Our results suggest that he
terozygosity influences recombination in plant breeding, and cannot be igno
red in genetic mapping of genomes.