There are several test methods available for studying the behavior of geote
xtile/soil filtration systems. However, there has not been a consensus on w
hich one of these methods should be the most appropriate. In this research,
gradient ratio (GR) tests and hydraulic conductivity (HCR) tests were perf
ormed to evaluate the effects of boundary conditions on the behavior of geo
textile/soil filtration systems. The test results show that the hydraulic c
onductivity of the filtration systems decreased as the effective stress and
hydraulic gradient increased. Furthermore, the hydraulic conductivity obta
ined from GR tests with a hydraulic gradient of 5 could be taken as the low
er bounds for HCR test results. Therefore, it is suggested that the GR test
can be used to obtain reasonable and conservative design parameters of the
filtration systems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.