Objectives. To assess the impact of augmentation ureterocystoplasty on
the success of cadaveric renal transplantation in children with dysfu
nctional bladders. Methods. Two patients with end-stage renal failure
secondary to dysfunctional bladders (one myelodysplasia and one poster
ior urethral valves) underwent augmentation ureterocystoplasty prior t
o renal transplantation in order to increase bladder capacity and impr
ove compliance. Results, Significant improvement of bladder storage fu
nction was achieved in both patients. By the use of megaureter for aug
mentation, untoward sequelae of enteric or gastric augmentation were o
bviated. Renal transplantation was successful in both patients. Both h
ave normal renal function 4 and 3 years after transplantation. Conclus
ions. Renal transplantation into bladders previously augmented with me
gaureters is successful. The use of urothelial-lined biomaterial for a
ugmentation avoids the potential complications of gastro- or enterocys
toplasty, which are especially dangerous in transplant patients. (C) 1
997, Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.