Pollen of the elder (Sambucus nigra L.) was extracted with chloroform-metha
nol. The extract was separated by column chromatography into the following
groups of compounds: hydrocarbons (8.7%), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(0.2%), complex esters (5.2%), triglycerides (18.7%), hydroxy esters (27.9%
), free fatty acids and alcohols (16.8%), free sterols (6.8%), and triterpe
nic alcohols (4.0%). The nonsaponifiable components (hydrocarbons, fatty ac
ids, alcohols, and sterols) were examined in detail using spectroscopic and
chromatographic methods (IR spectroscopy, GC, and GC-MS). The identified c
ompounds were characterized by their mass spectra and Kovats retention indi
ces. ne double bond positions and their configurations in unsaturated compo
unds are also reported. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.