Host defenses are profoundly compromised in HIV-infected hosts due to progr
essive depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes. Moreover, deficient CD4(+) T lymp
hocytes impair vaccination approaches to prevent opportunistic infection. T
herefore, we investigated a CD4(+) T cell-independent vaccine approach to a
prototypic AIDS-defining infection, Pneumocystis carinii (PC) pneumonia. H
ere, we demonstrate that bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DCs) expressi
ng the murine CD40 ligand, when pulsed ex vivo by PC antigen, elicited sign
ificant titers of and-PC IgG in CD4-deficient mice. Vaccinated animals demo
nstrated significant protection from PC infection, and this protection was
the result of an effective humoral response, since adoptive transfer of CD4
-depleted splenocytes or serum conferred this protection to CD4-deficient m
ice. Western blot analysis of PC antigen revealed that DC-vaccinated, CD4-d
eficient mice predominantly reacted to a 55-kDa PC antigen. These studies s
how promise for advances in CD4-independent vaccination against HIV-related