Internal hydraulic theory is often used to describe idealized bi-directiona
l exchange flow through a constricted channel. This approach is formally ap
plicable to layered flows in which velocity and density are represented by
discontinuous functions that are constant within discrete layers. The theor
y relies on the determination of flow conditions at points of hydraulic con
trol, where long interfacial waves have zero phase speed. In this paper, we
consider hydraulic control in continuously stratified exchange flows. Such
flows occur, for example, in channels connecting stratified reservoirs and
between homogeneous basins when interfacial mixing is significant. Our foc
us here is on the propagation characteristics of the gravest vertical-mode
internal waves within a laterally contracting channel.
Two approaches are used to determine the behaviour of waves propagating thr
ough a steady, continuously sheared and stratified exchange flow. In the fi
rst, waves are mechanically excited at discrete locations within a numerica
lly simulated bi-directional exchange flow and allowed to evolve under line
ar dynamics. These waves are then tracked in space and time to determine pr
opagation speeds. A second approach, based on the stability theory of paral
lel shear flows and examination of solutions to a sixth-order eigenvalue pr
oblem, is used to interpret the direct excitation experiments. Two types of
gravest mode eigensolutions are identified: vorticity modes, with eigenfun
ction maxima centred above and below the region of maximum density gradient
, and density modes with maxima centred on the strongly stratified layer. D
ensity modes have phase speeds that change sign within the channel and are
analogous to the interfacial waves in hydraulic theory. Vorticity modes hav
e finite propagation speed throughout the channel but undergo a transition
in form: upwind of the transition point the vorticity mode is trapped in on
e layer. It is argued that modes trapped in one layer are not capable of co
mmunicating interfacial information, and therefore that the transition poin
ts are analogous to control points. The location of transition points are i
dentified and used to generalize the notion of hydraulic control in continu
ously stratified flows.