Aircraft designed for hypersonic flight must incorporate active cooling in
the propulsion system. Hydrocarbon cracking reactions produce a high endoth
erm; however, without a catalyst these reactions require very high temperat
ures, which reduces the allowable stress in the heat exchanger materials an
d increases wall thickness and weight. The goal of this investigation was t
o determine if chemical initiators could accelerate the rate of hydrocarbon
cracking reactions and reduce the required temperatures in a hypersonic ai
rcraft heat exchanger/reactor. We mixed numerous initiators with n-heptane
and measured the rate of cracking. These tests were conducted at temperatur
es of 450, 500, and 550 degreesC, and at a pressure of 37 atm. We identifie
d several chemicals that produced substantial increases in measured crackin
g rates when added to the fuel at concentrations from 0.5 to 2.0 wt%. The b
est initiator is soluble in the fuel, stable in its concentrated form, and
is not highly toxic.