Background: The objective of this review is to evaluate our institutional e
xperience with percutaneousIy placed vascular stents in multiply injured pa
tients with blunt arterial injuries.
Methods: Patients were identified through our trauma registry from 9/95 thr
ough 12/99. All injuries were diagnosed by angiography. Palmaz and Wallsten
t prostheses were used.
Results: Six patients had blunt arterial injuries. Age ranged from 20 to 67
years (average, 45). Each patient had one or more stents placed. There wer
e no immediate complications related to stent placement. There were no deat
hs or complications attributable to stent placement. All of the patients su
rvived to leave the hospital. Follow-up ranged from 1 month to 2 years with
no occlusion, stenosis, or stent malfunction.
Conclusion: The use of interventional angiography and endovascular stenting
is safe and efficacious in treating arterial injuries in certain circumsta