Background. This study examined obstetricians' decisions to perform or not
to perform cesarean sections. The aim was to determine whether an artificia
l neural network could be constructed to accurately and reliably predict th
e birthing mode decisions of expert clinicians and to elucidate which facto
rs were most important in deciding the birth mode. Methods. Mothers with si
ngleton, live births who were privately insured, nonclinic, non-Medicaid pa
tients at a major tertiary care private hospital were included in the study
(N = 1508). These mothers were patients of 2 physician groups: a 7-obstetr
ician multispecialty group practice and a physician group of 79 independent
ly practicing obstetricians affiliated with the some hospital. A feedforwar
d, multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) was developed and trained. It
was then tested and optimized until the most parsimonious network was iden
tified that retained a similar level of predictive power and classification
accuracy. The performance of this network was further optimized using the
methods of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and information
theory to find the cutoff that maximized the information gain. The perform
ance-of the final ANN at this cutoff was measured using sensitivity, specif
icity, classification accuracy, area under the ROC curve, and maximum infor
mation gain. Results. The final neural network had excellent predictive acc
uracy for the birthing mode (classification accuracy = 83.5%; area under th
e ROC curve = 0.924; maximum information = 40.4% of a perfect diagnostic te
st), Conclusion. This study demonstrated that a properly optimized ANN is a
ble to accurately predict the birthing mode decisions of expert clinicians.
In addition to previously identified clinical factors (cephalopelvic dispr
oportion, maternal medical condition necessitating a cesarean section, arre
st of labor, malpresentation of the baby, fetal distress, and failed induct
ion), nonclinical factors such as the mothers' views on birthing mode were
also found to be important in determining the birthing mode.