Objective: To investigate the emotional feelings reported by physicians in
the Netherlands after having performed euthanasia or other medical end-of-l
ife decisions.
Design: Nationwide interview study in the Netherlands, November 1995 throug
h February 1996.
Participants and setting: A random sample of 405 physicians (general practi
tioners, nursing home physicians, and clinical specialists).
Main outcome measures: Subsequent feelings of physicians about their most r
ecent cases (if any) of euthanasia, assisted suicide, life-ending without a
n explicit request from the patient, and alleviation of pain and other symp
toms with high doses of opioids.
Results: The response rate was 89%. In 52% of all cases of hastening death,
physicians had feelings of comfort afterwards, which included feelings of
satisfaction in 44% and of relief in 13%. Feelings of discomfort were repor
ted in 42%, most frequently referred to as emotional (28%) or burdensome (2
5%). Feelings of discomfort were highest for euthanasia (75%; P < 0.000). 9
5% of physicians were willing to perform euthanasia or assisted suicide aga
in in similar situations. Afterwards, 5% had doubts, but none had regrets,
about performing euthanasia.
Conclusions. Hastening the death of a patient evokes different feelings amo
ng physicians. Although performing euthanasia is often experienced as burde
nsome and emotional, granting the ultimate wish of a competent patient may
also give physicians a feeling of having contributed to the quality of the
dying process.