Objective: The preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative variables of
patients experiencing hearing improvement after middle fossa resection of
vestibular schwannomas were evaluated as potential prognostic indicators.
Study Design: Retrospective case review with new objective postoperative da
ta collected on patients with documented hearing improvement.
Setting: California Ear Institute at Stanford and Stanford University Hospi
tal, a tertiary referral center.
Patients: The patient group consisted of 30 consecutive patients undergoing
middle fossa approach to vestibular schwannoma between October 24, 1994, a
nd November 11, 1998. Intervention: Hearing preservation surgery via the mi
ddle cranial fossa approach was performed on all patients.
Main Outcome Measures: Pure-tone averages (PTAs) and speech discrimination
scores (SDS) were used to document hearing preoperatively and postoperative
ly. Preoperative electrophysiologic studies of auditory brainstem response,
electronystagmography, electrical neuronography, transient evoked otoacous
tic emissions, and distortion product otoacoustic emissions were evaluated.
Intraoperative continuous nerve action potential and auditory brainstem re
sponse tracings were reviewed. Postoperative auditory brainstem response an
d transient evoked otoacoustic emissions were obtained when possible on pat
ients whose hearing improved. Statistical analysis was completed using Stud
ent's t test and chi-square test.
Results: Seventeen (57%) of 30 patients with tumors ranging from 2 to 31 mm
maintained hearing postoperatively, Among patients with hearing preservati
on, 7 (41% or 23% of the overall group) exhibited hearing improvement (PTA(
2) improved by greater than or equal to5 dB and/or SDS improved by greater
than or equal to 12%). Three of these 7 patients moved from nonfunctional (
AAOHNS class C/D) to functional (AAOHNS class A/B) categories. All patients
who enjoyed postoperative hearing improvement had preoperative absence or
abnormality of ABRs. No patient with normal preoperative ABR experienced he
aring improvement. Hearing improvement patients also had lower preoperative
caloric function on electronystagmography compared with the entire group (
p < 0.02) and were more likely to have superior vestibular nerve tumors. No
differences were noted for electrical neurography and otoacoustic emission
Conclusions: Middle fossa resection of vestibular schwannoma offers patient
s the possibility of hearing improvement after treatment. The chance of hea
ring improvement is significantly higher than with other forms of treatment
such as radiation therapy or translabyrinthine surgery. Although preoperat
ive ABR abnormality may be an indicator of poor prognosis for hearing prese
rvation, those patients who enjoy hearing improvement come from the group o
f patients with abnormal preoperative ABRs. Other factors identified as ass
ociated with hearing improvement include poor SDS with more normal PTA,, an
d significantly decreased electronystagmographic caloric function (as an in
dicator of superior vestibular nerve tumors), Hearing improvement to the fu
nctional range after surgical resection is possible in some patients previo
usly thought to be poor candidates for hearing preservation attempts. Heari
ng improvement may continue for many months after surgery.