This paper presents a study on defect mobility in a high-carbon martensitic
tool steel. Mechanical spectroscopy investigations are performed in the te
mperature range 80-700 K. Torsion pendulum (about 1 Hz) and flexural vibrat
ing-reed (about 3 kHz) techniques are used and compared in order to obtain
thermal activation parameters. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) meas
urements are also performed in the same temperature range in order to detec
t structure transformations. The internal-friction spectra obtained as a fu
nction of temperature show four peaks P1, P2, P3 and P4. The physical mecha
nisms responsible for the peak formation are analysed on the basis of the p
eak activation energies, the influence of cold work and tempering on the in
ternal-friction spectra and the comparison with DSC. The conclusions are su
pported by present information available on similar materials. It is found
that P1, P2 and P4 are all relaxation peaks and are related to dislocation
movement in the martensite and to their interaction with solute atoms. P3 s
hould be considered as a maximum in the internal-friction spectrum related
to a transformation of the material, probably leading to carbide-forming re
actions. This transformation coincides with a hardness decrease, which mark
s the first step of steel tempering.