A large proportion of the population of developing countries uses tradition
al medicine alone, or in combination with Western drugs to treat a wide var
iety of ailments. There has seldom been effective collaboration between the
traditional and Western medical practitioners, largely due to the percepti
on that the use of traditional and herbal medicines has no scientific basis
. With the renewed interest from Western countries in herbal remedies, and
the increasingly urgent need to develop new effective drugs, traditionally
used medicinal plants have recently received the attention of the pharmaceu
tical and scientific communities. This involves the isolation and identific
ation of the secondary metabolites produced by the plants and used as the a
ctive principles in medical preparations. Research into the scientific vali
dation of southern African medicinal plants used in the treatment of pain a
nd inflammation, hypertension and parasitic diseases including those with a
nthelmintic, anti-amoebic, anti-bacterial and anti-bilharzia activity, is t
he current focus of studies conducted at the Research Centre for Plant Grow
th and Development.