Audits should be conducted in respiratory, intensive care units (ICU) as in
all other ICU using patient-specific indicators to assess medical activity
, and quality of care. However, other criteria, such as those developed by
the SRLF ("Societe de Reanimation de Langue Francaise"), should also be use
d. These criteria include the description of the patients previous health s
tatus, prognosis of underlying diseases, the SAPS I or SAPS II severity sco
re at admission, the omega or TISS therapeutic scores, and the PRN index of
health care burden.
Medial and administrative audits are conducted using diagnosis-related grou
ps (DRG) and case mix classification. The DRGs are used to establish an agg
regate index of activity (ISA points) which contribute to the complex mecha
nism of budget allowance, Unfortunately, the French DRG case mix system doe
s not provide an appropriate description of the costs of ICU stays.
One of the special features of respiratory ICUs is related to patient flow,
Patients are referred from a respiratory unit and discharged to a respirat
ory unit or a respiratory rehabilitation center. Readmissions are frequent.
Many patients are also admitted only for diagnosis or a respiratory proced
ure requiring close surveillance. The SRLF criteria, which take into consid
eration all of these features, should always be used for the evaluation of
quality of care. The French Society of Lung Disease (SPLF) has proposed spe
cific standards of quality for respiratory. ICU.
We present here examples issuing for the ICU of the Hotel-Dieu Hospital in
Paris. The results show that non-specific national indicators, in combinati
on with other indicators specific for respiratory, ICU, provide appropriate
audit data.