A photoinduced method for converting large quantities of silver nanospheres
into triangular nanoprisms is reported. The photo-process has been charact
erized by time-dependent ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and transmission
electron microscopy, allowing for the observation of several key intermedia
tes in and characteristics of the conversion process. This light-driven pro
cess results in a colloid with distinctive optical properties that directly
relate to the nanoprism shape of the particles. Theoretical calculations c
oupled with experimental observations allow for the assignment of the nanop
rism plasmon bands and for the first identification of two distinct quadrup
ole plasmon resonances for a nanoparticle. Unlike the spherical particles t
hey are derived from that Rayleigh tight-scatter in the blue, these nanopri
sms exhibit scattering in the red, which could be useful in developing mult
icolor diagnostic labels on the basis not only of nanoparticle composition
and size but also of shape.