Results of thermal conductivity measurements of PrSn3 are presented. The me
asurements were curried out in the temperature range 4-300 X on a single cr
ystal sample oriented along the [100] direction. It was found that the ther
mal conductivity lambda is dominated by scattering electrons in the whole t
emperature range under examination. The magnetic contribution to the therma
l conductivity lambda (e,m) has been separated and its temperature dependen
ce lambda (e,m)(T) has been obtained. The thermal conductivity of PrSn3 Was
found as a linear function of temperature at higher temperatures, whereas
an anomaly was observed below T-N. In ordered state, the lambda (e,m)(T) ch
anges in the opposite way as the total thermal conductivity does. The tempe
rature dependence of the Lorenz number exhibits a pronounced maximum at abo
ut 20 K.