FUBI (failure of ureteric bud invasion) is a highly inbred strain of mouse
with a high spontaneous incidence of uni- or bilateral renal agenesis (60%)
. Bilateral renal agenesis is lethal within 2 days after birth. The primary
defect of FUBI is failure of the ureteric bud to penetrate into the metane
phric mesenchyme at around embryonic day 11, resulting in apoptosis of meta
nephric cells and leading to renal agenesis on the affected side. The metan
ephros seemed to be normal because co-culturing of the FUBI metanephros wit
h homologous spinal cord induced differentiation of the rudiment, but co-cu
lturing with the homologous ureteric bud frequently did not. Genetic analys
is revealed that more than two genes were involved In this malformation and
we mapped one of the modifier loci, fubil, on chromosome 2, at similar to
65 cM from the centromere. In this region, there are two possible candidate
genes, Wilms' tumor 1 and formin, that play important roles in kidney deve
lopment. Some of formin mutants shared a similar phenotype with FUB1; howev
er, there was no difference in the expression of formin in embryonic kidney
s between FUB1 and control NFS/N mice. Studies of fubil congenic mice indic
ated that interaction of two or more loci is essential for the FUB1 phenoty