The contraceptive efficacy of an intra-uterine device was evaluated using 2
18 heifers and 212 cows on three north Australian cattle stations. The heif
ers were aged approximately 2 years and weighed 250-378 kg; the cows were a
ged 3-16 years and weighed 256-540 kg. All cattle were non-pregnant, non-la
ctating Brahmans. At the end of the monsoon (wet) season (April-June 1997),
the cattle were allocated by stratified randomisation to the three treatme
nts which were untreated controls (n = 59), surgical ovariectomy (n = 105),
or implantation with a bovine intra-uterine device (BIUD; n = 266). All ca
ttle grazed and were managed as one group within each station. They were ex
posed to bulls (4 per 100 females) from soon after treatment until slaughte
r approximately 12 months later.
The BIUD could not be implanted in 25% of heifers and 8% of cows due to nar
row or twisted cervices. Correct placement of the BIUDs appeared to be achi
eved in 57% of heifers and 72% of cows. At slaughter, the devices were inco
rrectly positioned in 73% of heifers and 49% of cows into which BIUDs had b
een inserted and that remained non-pregnant. Uterine perforations by the BI
UD were observed in 35 and 45% of these heifers and cows. respectively; mos
t perforations appeared to occur during implantation. Low-grade endometriti
s was observed at slaughter in most BIUD-implanted animals; 2% had pyometra
BIUD animals did not have significantly different growth to that of control
or ovariectomised animals, other than when ovariectomy suppressed growth f
ollowing surgery. Most animals implanted with BIUDs appeared to have normal
ovarian function and animals were observed mating. All ovariectomised anim
als remained non-pregnant. Over 80% of controls were pregnant within 8 mont
hs of exposure to bulls, except heifers at one station where pregnancy rate
was restricted to 25% as a result of severe nutritional conditions. Pregna
ncy was diagnosed in 21% of heifers and 33% of cows with implanted BIUDs. T
he device remained correctly positioned and with no pregnancy diagnosed in
the year following implantation in only 2% of heifers and 14% of cows origi
nally allocated.
Because of the difficulties of implanting BIUDs, the high frequency of asso
ciated uterine injury, the high pregnancy rate in implanted animals, and th
at growth was unaffected by the presence of a BIUD, it was concluded that t
he device had poor contraception efficacy and no growth-promotant effect in
Brahman cattle. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.