Cells in the immune and nervous systems communicate through informational s
ynapses. The two-dimensional chemistry underlying the process of synapse fo
rmation is beginning to be explored using fluorescence imaging and mechanic
al techniques. Early analysis of two-dimensional kinetic rates (k(on) and k
(off)) and equilibrium constants (K-d) provides a number of biological insi
ghts. First, there are two regimes for adhesion-one disordered with slow k(
on) and the other self-ordered with 10(4)-fold faster k(on). Despite huge v
ariation in two-dimensional k(on), the two-dimensional k(off) is like k(off
) in solution, and two-dimensional k(off) is more closely related to intrin
sic properties of the interaction than the two-dimensional k(on). Thus diff
erence in k(off) can be used to set signaling thresholds. Early signaling c
omplexes are compartmentalized to generate synergistic signaling domains. I
mmune antigen receptor components have a role in neural synapse editing. Th
is suggests significant parallels in informational synapse formation based
on common two-dimensional chemistry and signaling strategies.