The improvement in Latin America's economic performance in the early 1
990s coincided with a change in policy direction as governments adopte
d a more market-oriented approach. However, with the peso crisis of 19
95 in Mexico, this economic recovery has proven fragile, and the durab
ility of the neoliberal paradigm itself is in doubt. This article inve
stigates the factors that led to the adoption of neoliberal policies a
nd identifies the principal threats to their continued implementation.
The analysis shows how the interaction between balance of payments pr
oblems, income distribution and economic growth will create significan
t difficulties for Latin American economies over the next few years, s
uch that the appeal of neoliberalism may come to rely on the inferiori
ty of alternative paradigms. Therefore, neoliberalism promptly needs t
o address a number of key issues, many of which centre on the appropri
ate role of the state, if it is to survive in Latin America.