Although a wealth of fascinating data have been obtained through the invest
igation of heavy metals in Greenland, Antarctic and Alpine snow and ice cor
es, heavy metals have until now never been measured in tropical snow and ic
e cores despite the great interest of such low latitude cores. We present h
ere preliminary data on the occurrence of Al, Na, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn
, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pt. Au, Pb, Bi and U in a dated ice core drilled
at an altitude of 6542 m on the top of Sajama in Bolivia. These data were o
btained by analysing four core sections dated 22,000 BP (Last Glacial Maxim
um, LGM), 8000 BP (early Holocene, EH), AD1650 and AD1897, using ultrasensi
tive ICP-SF-MS. Concentrations observed in LGM ice are similar to those mea
sured in EH ice. Al. Na, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ba and U are found to derive ma
inly from rock and soil dust. For the other metals, additional contribution
s from other sources are needed to explain the observed concentrations. (C)
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