Males of the stream goby Rhinogobius sp. DA with exclusive paternal care co
urt females in fast water currents. Female choice of this goby was observed
in the field. A fast current itself does not seem to be advantageous to fe
males for mating. Neither large male size nor long male dorsal fin, both be
ing sexually dimorphic traits, was related to female selectivity. Females f
avored males that courted on points at which the water current was relative
ly fast. Water velocity at male courtship points was positively correlated
with a condition factor for males, indicating that males of poor physical c
ondition do not court in fast water currents. Hence, this mate choice patte
rn enables females to mate with males of good physical condition. Male cond
ition factor itself, however, was not related to selectivity by females. Ci
rcumstantial evidence suggest that this female choice pattern will result i
n mating with males having sufficient energy reserves, i.e. high parental q