Our previous study has shown that prothyrotropin-releasing hormone (proTRH)
gene expression is increased in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (PAG
) neurons following precipitated morphine withdrawal and continues to be ac
tivated even 24 h after withdrawal. We have hypothesized that peptide produ
cts of proTRH may participate in the recovery from morphine withdrawal. To
identify neuroanatomical substrates of the proposed action of proTRH-derive
d peptides originating from the ventrolateral PAG proTRH neurons, projectio
ns of these neurons were investigated by a series of anterograde and retrog
rade tract-tracing experiments. First, Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (
PHA-L) was injected in the ventrolateral PAG in Sprague-Dawley rats. Follow
ing transport of the tracer, simultaneous immunolabeling for PHA-L and proT
RH peptides was performed and mapped in discrete brain regions. PHA-L-immun
oreactive (IR) fibers showing preterminal and terminal-like arborization th
at contained proTRH were identified in the dorsolateral and lateral PAG, de
ep layer of superior colliculus (CS), parafascicular nucleus (PF), ventrome
dial zona incerta (ZI) and at the border of the locus coeruleus (LC) and Ba
rrington's nucleus. Scattered double-labeled fibers were present in the lat
eral septal nucleus, ventromedial preoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, p
erifornical area and in the periventricular region at the diencephalon/midb
rain junction. The retrogradely transported marker, cholera toxin beta -sub
unit (CTb) was then injected in the dorsolateral PAG, CS, PF, ZI and medial
to the LC. Double-labeled perikarya for both CTb and proTRH in the ventrol
ateral PAG were found for each region injected with CTb, corroborating the
findings by the anterograde tracing experiment. These studies demonstrate t
hat proTRH neurons in the ventrolateral PAG project to several regions of t
he brain that are involved in autonomic and behavioral regulation and there
by, may function as an integrating center to coordinate responses to opiate
withdrawal. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.