Objective: This study reports the validation of the French version of the H
ealth of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS-F), a questionnaire developed to
measure health and social functioning of people with mental illness.
Method: Once each statement was tested for readability, the scale was admin
istered to 3 samples of people suffering from severe mental disorders to es
timate its reliability, and validity. More specifically, tests were run to
establish the internal consistency, the stability, and the interrater relia
bility of the HoNOS-F. Confirmative factor analyses and mean differences ac
cording to age, sex, and diagnosis were also conducted to evaluate respecti
vely, construct- and criterion-related validity.
Results: Coefficients obtained from the various tests show that the scale i
s reliable only when the total score is used. The confirmatory factor analy
ses indicate that the observed data do not fit the 2 proposed models, a uni
dimensional model and a 4-dimension model. However, the scale did show crit
erion-related validity.
Conclusions: Results of the present study converge with those obtained on t
he original widely used English version. Therefore, we suggest that clinici
ans use the questionnaire by referring to each item separately and by consi
dering such patient characteristics as age, sex, and diagnosis. We also sug
gest that researchers wishing to evaluate health and social functioning of
persons with serious mental disorders use the total score. Caution is, howe
ver, warranted when interpreting the total score for a French-speaking popu
lation, because the factorial solution 1-dimension model did not prove to b
e satisfactory.