Coke formation and equipment fouling in steam cracking furnaces in the ethy
lene industry still remain a major operation problem. Ethylene producers ha
ve been actively seeking ways to reduce coke formation in order to achieve
longer furnace run length. To date, many efforts have been made by academic
s and industrial personnel to understand the coking problem. Based on labor
atory scale studies, various coking mechanisms have been proposed in the li
terature. However, these mechanisms are often reactor-related and contradic
tory to each other since laboratory scale reactors do not simulate the prac
tical cracking operation in ethylene plants. Therefore, analyzing coke depo
sits produced in such reactors may not necessarily give results similar to
those of coke produced in industrial plants. Due to this consideration, we
analyzed two sets of coke sample deposits from typical locations (radiant c
oil, coil outlet, transfer line exchanger inlet and outlet) in steam cracki
ng furnaces. One set of the samples was taken from an ethane cracking furna
ce, while the other set was from a naphtha cracking furnace. Analyses were
carried out on both the process side and the metal side of the sample depos
its. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for microstructure, proton
induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE) for elemental composition, ener
gy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) for surface elemental composition, a
nd micro-elemental analyzer for C and H contents. Based on our results, thi
s paper aims to provide a closer insight into the coking problem in industr
ial steam crackers. In addition, the coking mechanisms proposed in the lite
rature (pyrolytic coke, catalytic coke, droplet condensation and mechanical
ly carried over coke) are also briefly reviewed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science
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