Introduction: Replantation is an established procedure in reconstructive su
rgery. In a bilateral lower leg amputation attempts should e made to rescue
at least one extremity, if the patients' vital conditions are stable. Pati
ent and method: We report on a patient who has suffered a bilateral lower l
eg amputation. Due to the complex injuries the left leg was heterotopically
(cross-over) replanted to the right leg. At the left leg an above knee stu
mp was created. In a second operation a soft tissue defect at the replanted
extremity was covered by a free microvascular latissumus dorsi muscle flap
. In addition, the tibial nerve was reconstructed. Thirteen months later th
e patient is able to walk with a prosthesis for his left leg and complete w
eight bearing of the replanted extremity. Discussion: Indication for replan
tation depends on accompanying injuries and vital functions of the patient.
Compared to a simple amputation a lower leg replantation prolongs hospital
stay. delays mobilisation of the patient, and increases the necessary seco
ndary procedures. However, after replantation functional outcome is mostly
better than with prosthetic fitting, especially if reconstruction of sensat
ion in the weight-bearing area is successful. Thus, in a bilateral amputati
on movement and stability, as well as quality of life, are improved by a re
planted extremity.