The upper rhombic lip (URL), a germinal zone in the dorsoanterior hindbrain
, has long been known to be a source for neurons of the vertebrate cerebell
um [1]. It was thought to give rise to dorsally migrating granule cell prec
ursors [2] (Figure le); however, recent fate mapping studies have questione
d the exclusive contributions of the URL to granule cells [3-5]. By taking
advantage of the clarity of the zebrafish embryo during the stages of brain
morphogenesis, we have followed the fate of neuronal precursor cells gener
ated within the upper rhombic lip directly. Combining a novel GFP labeling
strategy with in vivo time-lapse imaging, we find, contrary to the former v
iew, that most URL-descendants migrate anterior toward the midhindbrain bou
ndary (MHB) and then course ventrally along the MHB (Figure 1f). As the mig
rating neuronal precursors reach the MHB, they form ventrally extending pro
jections, likely axons, and continue ventral migration to settle outside of
the cerebellum, in the region of the ventral brainstem. Thus, we define a
new pathway for URL-derived neuronal precursor cells consistent with the re
cent fate maps. In addition, our results strongly suggest that the MHB play
s a crucial role, not only in induction and patterning of the cerebellar an
lage, but also in organizing its later morphogenesis by influencing cell mi