In modern CANDU (TM) nuclear generating stations, pressure tubes of co
ld-worked Zr-2.5Nb material are used in the reactor core to contain th
e fuel bundles and the heavy water (D2O) coolant. The pressure tubes o
perate at an internal pressure of about 10 MPa and temperatures rangin
g from about 250 degrees C at the inlet to about 310 degrees C at the
outlet. Over the expected 30 year lifetime of these tubes they will be
subjected to a total fluence of approximately 3 x 10(26) n m(-2). In
addition, these tubes gradually pick up deuterium as a result of a slo
w corrosion process. When the hydrogen plus deuterium concentration in
the tubes exceeds the hydrogen-deuterium solvus, the tubes are suscep
tible to a crack initiation and propagation process called delayed hyd
ride cracking (DHC). If undetected, such a cracking mechanism could le
ad to unstable rupture of the pressure tube. A fitness-for-service met
hodology has been developed which assures that this will not happen. A
key element in this methodology is the acquisition of data and unders
tanding-from surveillance and accelerated aging testing-to assess and
predict changes in the DHC initiation threshold, the DHC velocity and
the fracture toughness (critical crack length) as a function of servic
e time. The most recent results of the DHC and fracture toughness prop
erties of CANDU pressure tubes as a function of time in service are pr
esented and used to suggest procedures for mitigation and life extensi
on of the pressure tubes. Crown copyright. (C) 1997 Published by Elsev
ier Science B.V.