The ID genes are members of a family of genes that encode helix-loop-helix
(HLH)-containing proteins. The Id proteins, unlike other HLH proteins, lack
an adjacent DNA binding domain and hence act as dominant negative regulato
rs of HLH transcription factors that have been implicated in control of cel
lular differentiation. Although the role of Id genes in murine development
has been documented, their roles in human embryogenesis remain unknown. In
this study, human male germ cell tumors (GCTs) were used as a model for exa
mining the expression of the ID genes in various histologies that are refle
ctive of different temporal phases of human development. In seminomas, litt
le or no expression of ID1, ID2, and ID3 was detected, consistent with the
uncommitted germ cell-like phenotype of this tumor histology. Likewise, GCT
s with histologies reflective of extraembryonic and embryonic patterns of d
ifferentiation exhibited patterns of expression of the three ID genes often
similar to those noted during murine development. It was also evident, as
revealed by ID expression patterns, that despite the overall aberrant spati
al differentiation patterns displayed by these tumors, some tissue-tissue i
nteractions reminiscent of those observed during normal embryogenesis are r
etained. Thus, adult male GCTs offer a unique system in which the role of g
enes such as the IDs can be studied in human embryogenesis.