One of the essential goals in information retrieval is to bridge the gap be
tween the way users would prefer to specify their information needs and the
way queries are required to be expressed. Rule Based Information Retrieval
by Computer (RUBRIC) is one of the approaches proposed to achieve this goa
l. This approach involves the use of production rules to capture user-query
concepts (or topics). In RUBRIC, a set of related production rules is repr
esented as an AND/OR tree, or alternatively by a disjunction of Minimal Ter
m Sets (MTSs). The retrieval output is determined by the evaluation of the
weighted Boolean expressions of the AND/OR tree, and processing efficiency
can be enhanced by employing MTSs. However, since the weighted Boolean expr
ession ignores the term-term association unless it is explicitly represente
d in the tree, the terminological gap between users' queries and their info
rmation needs may still remain. To solve this problem, we adopt the general
ized vector space model (GVSM) and the p-norm based extended Boolean model.
Experiments are performed for two variations of the RUBRIC model, extended
with GVSM, as well as for the integrated use of RUBRIC with the p-norm bas
ed extended Boolean model. The results are compared to the original RUBRIC
model based on recall-precision.