In 1805, Young was the first who introduced an expression for contact angle
in static, but today, the motion of the contact-line formed at the interse
ction of two immiscible fluids and a solid is still subject to dispute. By
means of the new physical concept of line viscosity, the equations of motio
ns and boundary conditions for fluids in contact on a solid surface togethe
r with interface and contact-line are revisited. A new Young-Dupre equation
for the dynamic contact angle is deduced. The interfacial energies between
fluids and solid take into account the chemical heterogeneities and the so
lid surface roughness. A scaling analysis of the microscopic law associated
with the Young-Dupre dynamic equation allows us to obtain a new macroscopi
c equation for the motion of the contact-line. Here we show that our theore
tical predictions fit perfectly together with the contact angle hysteresis
phenomenon and the experimentally well-known results expressing the depende
nce of the dynamic contact angle on the celerity of the contact-line. We ad
ditively get a quantitative explanation for the maximum speed of wetting (a
nd dewetting).