The individual glycoalkaloid contents of tubers from eleven Solanum phureja
genotypes have been determined prior to and following exposure to light. I
n all genotypes, light exposure resulted in a statistically significant inc
rease in total glycoalkaloid content. In nine of the genotypes studied, thi
s was not only due to an increase in the. levels of the solanidine-based gl
ycoalkaloids, oc-solanine and alpha -chaconine, but also due to the light-i
nduced synthesis of a tomatidenol-based glycoalkaloid, alpha -solamarine. T
hose genotypes that accumulated alpha -solamarine in their tubers also cont
ained tomatidenol-based glycoalkaloids in their leaves, but only solanidine
-based glycoalkaloids were detected in the sprouts.