As a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, Australia is obliged to stabilize gre
enhouse gas emissions at 8% above 1990 levels by 2008-2012. To demonstrate
achievement of this goal, Australia requires national annual estimates of c
hanges in vegetation biomass as greenhouse gas emissions from land use chan
ge. These emission estimates are, however, uncertain due largely to the sca
rcity of existing allometric equations for calculating biomass. The large i
nvestment of time and funding required for harvesting, particularly using t
raditional techniques such as double regression and ratio sampling, also pr
ecludes the generation of new equations. Alternative techniques for rapid,
cost-effective, and reliable estimation of biomass therefore require invest
igation. This study, conducted in central Queensland, compared estimates of
component biomass that were generated for seven trees of the woodland spec
ies Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) using ratio sampling and variable prob
ability sampling techniques, namely randomized branch sampling (RBS) and RB
S with importance sampling (IS). Application of randomized branch sampling
consistently underestimated the biomass of leaf and small branches (<1 cm i
n diameter) and produced weak prediction equations. In contrast, results su
ggest that RBS with IS is particularly useful in predicting woody (trunk an
d branches >1 cm in diameter) biomass, and prediction equations agreed with
existing equations for this species. However, this method tended to overes
timate individual tree woody biomass. The study concluded that RBS with IS
was a viable alternative to current methods.