Using the binomial distribution, the effect of sample size on the variabili
ty among sample test results when sampling a lot with 1.0% genetically modi
fied (GM) or biotech seed was evaluated. The coefficient of variation, cv,
among 500-seed sample test results taken from a lot with truly 1.0% was com
puted to be 44.5%. Increasing sample size to 1000 seeds reduced the cv amon
g sample test results to 31.5%. The effects of sample size and accept/rejec
t limits on the buyer's risk (bad lots accepted) and the seller's risk (goo
d lots rejected) was also evaluated assuming a tolerance of 1.0% GM seed. I
ncreasing sample size decreases both the buyer's and seller's risks at the
same time. Using an accept/reject limit below the regulatory tolerance decr
eases the buyer's risk, but increases the seller's risk. Using an accept/re
ject limit above the regulatory tolerance decreases the seller's risk but i
ncreases the buyer's risk.