A weak turbulence of the magnetohydrodynamic waves in a strongly magnetized
plasma was studied in the case when the plasma pressure is small as compar
ed to the magnetic field pressure. In this case, the principal nonlinear me
chanism is the resonance scattering of fast magnetoacoustic and Alfven wave
s on slow magnetoacoustic waves. Since the former waves are high-frequency
(HF) with respect to the latter, the total number of HF waves in the system
is conserved (adiabatic invariant). In the weak turbulence regime, this in
tegral of motion generates a Kolmogorov spectrum with a constant flux of th
e number of HF waves toward the longwave region. The shortwave region featu
res a Kolmogorov spectrum with a constant energy flux. An exact angular dep
endence of the turbulence spectra is determined for the wave propagation an
gles close to the average magnetic field direction. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/In