CD19 and the Src family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are important regul
ators of intrinsic signaling thresholds in B cells. Regulation is achieved
by cross-talk between Src family PTKs and CD19; Lyn is essential for CD19 p
hosphorylation, while CD19 establishes an Src family PTK activation loop th
at amplifies kinase activity. However, CD19-deficient (CD19(-/-)) B cells a
re hyporesponsive to transmembrane signals, while Lyn-deficient (Lyn(-/-))
B cells exhibit a hyper-responsive phenotype resulting in autoimmunity. To
identify the outcome of interactions between CD19 and Src family PTKs in vi
vo, B cell function was examined in mice deficient for CD19 and Lyn (CD19/L
yn(-/-)). Remarkably, CD19 deficiency suppressed the hyper-responsive pheno
type of Lyn(-/-) B cells and autoimmunity characterized by serum autoantibo
dies and immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis in Lyn(-/-) mice. Consi
stent with Lyn and CD19 each regulating conventional B cell development, BI
cell development was markedly reduced by Lyn deficiency, with further redu
ctions in the absence of CD19 expression. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Fyn a
nd other cellular proteins induced following B cell Ag receptor ligation wa
s dramatically reduced in CD19/Lyn(-/-) B cells relative to Lyn(-/-) B cell
s, while Syk phosphorylation was normal. In addition, the enhanced intracel
lular Ca2+ responses following B cell Ag receptor ligation that typify Lyn
deficiency were delayed by the loss of CD19 expression. BCR-induced prolife
ration and Immoral immune responses were also markedly inhibited by CD19/Ly
n deficiency. These findings demonstrate that while the CD19/Lyn amplificat
ion loop is a major regulator of signal transduction thresholds in B lympho
cytes, CD19 regulation of other Src family PTKs also influences B cell func
tion and the development of autoimmunity.