Ample experimental evidence has been accumulated demonstrating that the for
mation of monodispersed colloids proceeds through a more complex mechanism
than the generally excepted diffusional "burst nucleation" process. Instead
, the synthesis of narrow-size-distribution colloidal dispersions involves
two distinct stages. Nanosize primary particles are nucleated in a supersat
urated solution. They then aggregate to form much larger uniform secondary
particles. To explain the size selection in such a process, a kinetic model
has been developed which couples the two growth/aggregation stages. Our ea
rlier study has shown the burst-nucleation growth of the primary particles
to depend strongly on the value of the effective surface tension entering t
he surface term in the free energy of the subcritical embryos. The aim of t
he present work has been to identify an appropriate control parameter in th
e process of secondary particle formation. We tried modifications of the ag
gregation rates to account for singlet size and aggregate diffusivity. We f
ound that only the introduction of a "bottleneck" factor in the dimer forma
tion rate has a profound effect on the final size distribution and suggests
a possible size-control mechanism.