Objective. To introduce fractional limb volume as a new ultrasonographic pa
rameter, validate reliability of fractional limb volume measurements, devel
op new birth weight prediction models, and examine their practical utility
for estimating fetal weight during late pregnancy. Methods. Healthy late-th
ird-trimester fetuses were prospectively scanned by two- and three-dimensio
nal ultrasonography within 4 days-of delivery. Volume data sets were subseq
uently used to extract several standard ultrasonographic measurements. Frac
tional limb volumes of the upper arm and-thigh were based on 50% of diaphys
eal bone length. Intraclass correlation was used to analyze interobserver a
nd intraobserver reliability of fractional limb volume measurements. Severa
l weight prediction models were developed by linear regression analysis. Ne
w prediction models were prospectively compared with the Hadlock formula in
30 healthy late-third-trimester fetuses. Results. One hundred fetuses were
scanned at a mean SD menstrual age of 39.2 +/- 1.2 weeks, Intraclass corre
lation indicated a significant degree of interobserver and intraobserver re
liability for fractional thigh volume. Fractional thigh volume (r = 0.86),
fractional upper arm volume (r = 0.83), abdominal circumference (r = 0.83),
and midthigh circumference (r = 0.82) were most highly correlated with bir
th weight. The best prediction model (abdominal circumference and fractiona
l thigh volume) gave weight estimates that deviated from actual birth weigh
t by -0.025% +/- 7.8%. For late-third-trimester fetuses, the Hadlock model
yielded errors of 9.0% +/- 9.0%. Prospective testing confirmed superior per
formance of the new prediction model, which gave accuracy of 2.3% +/- 6.6%
(Hadlock method, 8.4% +/- 8.7%). It correctly predicted 20 of 30 birth weig
hts to within 5% of actual weight. By comparison, the Hadlock model predict
ed only 6 of 30 birth weights to within 5% of actual weight. Conclusions. A
new birth weight prediction model, based on fractional thigh volume and ab
dominal circumference, is reliable during the late third trimester. It prov
ides a means for including soft tissue evaluation for birth weight predicti
on. This rapid technique avoids technical limitations that currently hinder
the practical implementation of three-dimensional ultrasonography for esti
mating birth weight.