The term ''cyclothymia'' is being used with different meanings. DSM-IV
and ICD-10 define ''cyclothymia'' or ''cyclothymic disorder'' as a lo
ng lasting, subaffective disorder with frequent shifts between hypoman
ic and (sub)depressive states. In the tradition of Kurt Schneider cycl
othymia was understood as a synonym for manic-depressive illness exclu
sively, while different personality typologies speak of a ''cyclothymi
c'' typus. Historically, the term was first used by the German psychia
trist Ewald Hecker in 1877. The definitions of DSM-IV and ICD-10 seem
to be satisfactory in respect to reliability, but the nosological posi
tion of ''cyclothymic disorder'' is unclear. We review results concern
ing clinical symptomatology, comorbidity, biological parameters, perso
nality (including the question of creativity), psyche- and pharmacothe
rapy as well as clinical course, which leave many questions open. Neve
rtheless, results in family studies support the idea that at least a f
raction of ''cyclothymia'' is a mild or subcinical form of bipolar dis
orders. Until further research, which is urgently needed, we suggest t
hat the term ''cyclothymia'' should be only used according to the guid
elines of DSM-IV and ICD-10.