The properties of intermetallic compounds are sensitive to alloy compositio
n and interstitial element content determined by the melting process. Induc
tion skull melting is one of the best methods for melting reactive alloys.
For induction heating under vacuum, melt temperature control is problematic
. A numerical model for simulating temperature field during induction skull
melting has been developed using the direct finite difference method. Fact
ors such as water cooling boundaries, electromagnetic stirring meniscus, an
d power distribution in the charge were analysed. The charge/crucible inter
face was taken as a radiation boundary before melting and as a combined rad
iation and conduction boundary after melting. The free surface was taken as
a radiation boundary. The relationship between the height of electromagnet
ic stirring meniscus and charge weight and melting power was reduced based
on the conservation of mass. Based on the conservation of energy, the distr
ibution density of induction current was ascertained. With the program, the
relationship between melting power, charge weight, and melt temperature wa
s established. During induction skull melting of gamma -TiAl based alloys,
the melt temperature was measured carefully. The theoretical and experiment
al results were found to be in agreement.