Sequential simulation of a continuous variable usually requires its transfo
rmation into a binary or a Gaussian variable, giving rise to the classical
algorithms of sequential indicator simulation or sequential Gaussian simula
tion. Journel (1994) showed that the sequential simulation of a continuous
variable, without any prior transformation, succeeded in reproducing the co
variance model, provided that the simulated values are drawn from local dis
tributions centered at the simple kriging estimates with a variance corresp
onding to the simple kriging estimation variance. Unfortunately. it does no
t reproduce the histogram of the original variable, which is one of the bas
ic requirements of any simulation method. This has been the most serious li
mitation to the practical application of the direct simulation approach. In
this paper. a new approach for the direct sequential simulation is propose
d. The idea is to use the local sk estimates of the mean and variance, not
to define the local cdf but to sample from the global cdf. Simulated values
of original variable are drawn from intervals of the global cdf which are
calculated with the local estimates of the mean and variance. One of the ma
in advantages of the direct sequential simulation method is that it allows
joint simulation of N-nu variables without any transformation. A set of exa
mples of direct simulation and cosimulation are presented.