Background: In vivo imaging of the dopamine transporter (DAT) with SPELT is
a quantitative biomarker for PD onset and severity. Objective: To use a mu
lticenter study to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of DOPASCAN and SPELT i
n patients with PD, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and essential tre
mor (ET), and in healthy controls (HC). Methods: Ninety-six individuals wit
h known clinical diagnosis were imaged with DOPASCAN at five sites with dif
ferent multidetector SPELT systems. Both masked visual interpretation and r
egion of interest (ROI) analysis were performed at each site and at a core
analysis center. Results: Visual interpretation of the images by an expert
panel demonstrated a sensitivity of 0.98 and specificity of 0.83 comparing
parkinsonian (PD + PSP) versus nonparkinsonian (ET + HC) controls. Quantita
tive analysis of putamen and caudate DOPASCAN uptake for each region in the
PD or PSP groups was significantly reduced compared to the ET or HC groups
. Comparison of parkinsonian (PD + PSP) versus nonparkinsonian (ET + HC) in
dividuals demonstrated a reduction of 76% in mean putamen and 48% in mean c
audate DOPASCAN uptake. Conclusions: DOPASCAN and SPELT imaging reliably an
d effectively distinguish between subjects with Parkinson's syndrome (PD PSP) and without Parkinson's syndrome (HC + ET). This is the first multicen
ter assessment of dopamine transporter imaging demonstrating that this tool
may be used widely to assess dopaminergic degeneration in patients with pa