An array of scintillator counters ("paddle counters") for the measurement o
f number and energy of charged particles in heavy-ion gold-gold collisions
for the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC is described. These simple, versatile, an
d highly efficient detectors provide a low bias and an easily understood le
vel zero trigger. The paddle counters can also be used to select and measur
e event centrality. The information from the paddle counters used for trigg
ering and event selection included the total signal height (proportional to
the number of particles), the timing information of the hits, and the numb
er of scintillators fired. The general characteristics of the paddle counte
rs, their design parameters, and performance during the first run at RHIC a
re presented in this paper, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reser