Introduction. Since November 1997 the complete documentation of an ophthalm
ological examination of diabetics has been annually subsidised by the Volks
wagen Corporation Health Maintenance Organization (VW-HMO).
Methods. The results of an annual ophthalmological examination were recorde
d in a standardised history sheet developed by the Initiative Group for Ear
ly Detection of Diabetic Eye Diseases. These data included visual acuity, i
ntraocular pressure, lens status and a description of fungus abnormalities.
Results. Within 26 months ophthalmological examinations of 2,801 patients w
ere completed which represented 4.5% of all VW-HMO insured patients. On ave
rage, patients suffered from diabetes for 9.6 years (SD +/-8.3), artificial
intraocular lenses were present in 357 eyes (6.4%) and 1,216 eyes (12.0%)
were diagnosed with cataract or posterior capsule opacification impairing v
isual acuity. Out of 263 patients younger than 40 years old, 18.8% had a mi
ld or moderate and 3.3% a severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NP
DR). A proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) was found in 2.2% of the yo
unger patients. Of 2,228 patients aged 40 years and older, 11.9% had a mild
or moderate and 2.6% a severe NPDR. In 0.9% of this group PDR was diagnose
Conclusions. An annual ophthalmological screening based on a survey sheet o
f the Initiative Group was successfully introduced. For the first time a po
pulation-based evaluation on the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was car
ried out for inhabitants of a German city. The prevalence of PDR was found
to be lower than previously published in comparable studies.