The ability of parents of children with disabilities to seek reimbursement
for private school tuition is one of the most controversial aspects of spec
ial education law. Using a comprehensive sample of published court and hear
ing officer decisions regarding tuition reimbursement, this study, expandin
g on previous research, quantified the frequency and outcomes of tuition re
imbursement disputes. It revealed that the annual average number of such cl
aims has increased over time. It also demonstrated that there was a signifi
cant difference in case outcomes between the administrative and judicial fo
rums, but there was no significant difference in case outcomes among the su
ccessive time periods marked by two U.S. Supreme Court decisions on tuition
reimbursement (i.e., Burlington School Committee v. Deportment of Educ. (1
985), Florence County School District Four v. Carter (1993)) and, most rece
ntly, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997.