This paper reports on a comparative study of the microstructural changes oc
curring within body centred cubic (bcc) metals (iron, molybdenum, and tanta
lum) by laser shock processing with different laser systems (titanium:sapph
ire laser and excimer laser). Using different complementary metallographic
and electron microscopic investigation methods it is shown how the processi
ng parameters (pulse duration and number of impacts) and the applied ablati
on mode (direct or confined ablation) influence the microstructure and hard
ness of these metals. The studies revealed that distinct cis well as long r
ange plastic deformation and hardening in iron, molybdenum, and tantalum ca
n only be obtained by laser shock processing with nanosecond pulses in conf
ined ablation mode using a thermoprotective coating. For all the metals inv
estigated, slip and deformation twinning were observed to be active modes o
f deformation, though the microstructural changes and the degree of shock i
nduced hardening depended on the material being treated. It is shown that t
he shock induced hardening increases with an increasing numbers of laser im
pacts. This strengthening is attributed to an increase in overall dislocati
on density.