Two patients with urogenital mesothelioma are presented. The first patient
had a malignant epithelial mesothelioma involving the scrotum and the perit
oneal cavity. This patient was treated by extensive surgery and intraperito
neal perioperative chemotherapy; he is well and alive 62 months after diagn
osis. The second patient had an aggressive malignant epithelioid mesothelio
ma of the tunica vaginalis testis; he died 24 months after diagnosis, with
locoregional and metastatic recurrent disease, in spite of surgical and sys
temic chemotherapy treatment. Calretinin immunostains were positive in the
first case and negative in the second. Eighty-eight previously published ca
ses of malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis were found in
a review of the literature to date. Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis te
stis usually presents as a scrotal mass, thus requiring urologist skills fo
r first line treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is advised when dealin
g with the malignant form, considering its aggressive natural history. (C)
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