The present paper reports two experiments that investigate the critical fea
tures of an object shape that automatically elicit recognition. Silhouettes
of real objects (targets) and meaningless patterns (fillers) in both canon
ical and non-canonical formats were presented to subjects, in an attempt to
test whether information about the global shape of an object was sufficien
t for automatic object identification. In Experiment 1, target-filler discr
iminability was evaluated by means of a reality-decision task. In Experimen
t 2, subjects had to perform an elongation-decision task, previously shown
to be sensitive to the influence of automatically activated object identiti
es (Dell'Acqua & Job, 1998). Contrary to the previous findings, the present
study shows that, although silhouettes were identified with surprising goo
d accuracy in the reality-decision task, effects of object identity on the
elongation-decision task were negligible.