In this article, the authors examine the role of community in understanding
volunteerism. First, the authors present a model of the volunteer process
that identifies three stages (antecedents, experiences, consequences) and t
hree levels of analysis (individual, organization, social system). Next, th
e authors propose two features of community-community cts context for volun
teerism: and psychological sense of community-and articulate the implicatio
ns of these features for the processes cf volunteerism. Then, empirical evi
dence from studies of AIDS volunteers and their clients is reviewed that su
ggests (a) how communities and psychological sense of community encourage p
eople to volunteer and connect with others and (b) how connecting to commun
ities appears to be beneficial for the functioning of people living with HI
V. Finally, the authors argue that explicit considerations of community can
also contribute to understanding other forms of individual and collective
action as well as broader civic and societal participation.